
Yousef and Amna (80s) have lived in a shack since 1956. Life remains quiet in Roshmia Valley until Israeli occupation authorities endorse a new road project forcing them to find another home. Aouni, who looks after them, acts as a middleman between them and the municipality and attempts to secure compensation, however, negotiations lead to tension among the three. Moreover, and aside from the physical displacement and despair they are about to face, Yousef and Amna are about to go on separate ways.
حياتهما في كوخ منذ عام 1956، وكانت حياتهما في وادي روشيما هادئة حتى قررت سلطات الأحتلال الأسرائيلي البدء بمشروع طريف جديدة، ما سيُضطرهم إلى ترك كوخهم لإيجاد مكان آخر للعيش فيه. عوني، الذي كان يعتني بهم ويلعب دور الوسيط بينهم وبين البلدية، يسعى لتأمين تعويض لهم، إلا ان مفاوضاته سببت التوتر بين الثلاثة. علاوة عن النزوح واليأس الذي سيتعرضون له، كان كل من يوسف وآمنة على وشك الإنفصال عن بعضهما البعض.

Salim Abu Jabal worked as a Journalist and Film Critic in various newspapers and then pursued a career in TV and Cinema; produced and directed several films, series and programs and was best known for his role as Casting Director and Producer of renowned award-winning films. His first feature ‘Roshmia’ was awarded “Special Jury Prize” at Dubai Int’l Film Festival, “Grand Prix du Documentaire” at Festival Int’l Cinéma Tétouan, “Best Documentary, Open Eyes Award” at MedFilm Festival Rome and other awards and was also officially selected by IDFA 2015.