

Full Name in English Surprise
Full Name in Arabic مفاجأة
Running Time 5 min
Type of film Animation
Country of Production Jordan
Date of Production 2016

The surprise waiting for the clown doll when he discovers his unique hat is not on his head when he went out of the surprise box!

مفاجأة تنتظر دمية المهرج لحظة خروجه من الصندوق عندما يكتشف أن قبعته المميزة ليست على رأسه

Director Name Tariq Rimawi
About the director

Tariq Rimawi is a Jordanian film director and scriptwriter. His first degree was in graphic design. In 2010, he graduated with a Master’s degree in Animation from Newport Film School in the UK. His graduation stop-motion film entitled ‘Missing’ has been screened at more than 100 international film festivals. The film has also received 12 international awards. In 2013, he made a short animated film titled ‘Growing’ in cooperation with Al-Ma3mal 612. In 2014, he completed his PhD Animation studies at the Animation Academy at Loughborough University in the UK.

When? December 2016